
Reduce hospital readmission rates with Glytec’s eGMS®

Written by Admin | Nov 9, 2020 4:28:00 PM


Through improved insulin dosing and administration, Glytec’s eGlycemic Management System (eGMS) can help reduce readmission rates by improving glycemic control. 3


eGMS is a modularized glycemic management software that can integrate with a hospital’s EMR and LIS. Glucommander, the core module, provides personalized recommendations for IV and SubQ insulin dosing. A guided workflow, safety alerts and surveillance allow providers to focus on patient safety.


How eGMS reduces readmissions


Our FDA-cleared algorithm delivers personalized dosing recommendations that help improve patient outcomes:



Evidence of reduced readmission rates using eGMS


Researchers compared the use of eGMS to Standard Care in 3198 patients who were admitted to a 13-hospital health system in 2015.





All patients in the study were undergoing treatment for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), treatment for congestive heart failure (CHF) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) procedures. These diagnoses and procedures are used by CMS to calculate readmissions penalties.


Results indicated that patients treated with Standard Care were more likely to be readmitted than patients treated with eGMS.3

Researchers concluded that glycemic control using eGMS can effectively reduce the rate of readmission for patients with cardiovascular disease who are in need of insulin management.3



Beyond readmissions


Reducing readmissions is just one way Glytec’s eGMS improves patient safety and reduces costs for hospitals. eGMS has also been proven to:





In fact, eGMS helped one 610-bed regional medical center save over $7 million in the first year.7





  1. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP). 24 August, 2020.
  2. Financial Implications of Poor Glycemic Management & Improvement Strategies for Optimal Outcomes. IHI Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care, Dec 2018.
  3. Relationship Between Glycemic Control Using eGMS and Readmission Rates in Cardiovascular Patients Hospitalized with AMI, CHF or Undergoing CABG During the Implementation of a System Wide Glycemic Initiative. Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Nov 2016.
  4. Comparative Effectiveness of a Computerized Algorithm Versus a Physician Instituted Protocol to Manage Insulin Infusions After Cardiac Surgery. HMO Research Network Conference, Apr 2014.
  5. Comparison of Hyperglycemia Management Protocols in the ICU: Standard Protocol versus eGlycemic Management System. American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, Jun 2019.
  6. Hospitalization Costs and Clinical Outcomes in CABG Patients Treated with Intensive Insulin Therapy. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, Apr 2017.
  7. Safely Converting From Sliding Scale to Basal Bolus Insulin Across an Entire Medical Center via Implementation of the eGlycemic Management System. American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, June 2017.
  8. New Interfaces for eGlycemic Management System Save Nursing Time and Improve Patient Outcomes: Time and Motion Nursing Study. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Scientific & Clinical Congress, May 2014.

ECO #0968-A